Productions blog: Rescheduling

 Hello. Welcome back. To pick up from where we left off. The filming process for this project was supposed to begin today. However one of us was not able to make it to the filming location. Due to personal events. Rescheduling for the filming had to be discussed once again. We had planned to try to film over the weekend. But we all would be busy with different things during the weekend. Our schedules did not link up as we’d hope for. So we began to brainstorm other dates. We were discussing to try to film on Friday. It wouldn’t have been able to be done due to some of us being busy once again. We came to the resolution of filming on the 19th. This would be convenient for us to begin filming because since it’s president’s day we get a day off of school. We should be able to begin filming on this date. As for our day off as i could start getting a head start on a couple clips. Hopefully we can at least get a couple of clips filmed and have it run smoothly. If anything comes to conclude us to having to reschedule again we would have to decide on another convenient date. The next blog will be about the beginning about filming. 


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