Production Blog: final insertions
Hello. Welcome back. Today, picking up from where i left off. I was inserting the movie title, the movie title is “Don’t Look Back”. I decided that the title would look good in the scene of the two girls being seen walking down the street from behind that I took. This placement would bring the whole thing together. I gave it the same font style and font, I dragged the title to the middle of the frame and made it a little bigger. The next thing was who the music we chose was by. I gave it the name font and style and inserted it on the top left corner. In the next scene “edited by:” would be seen on the bottom left corner. Same style and font. Next would be the producers which would be everyone that was working on this project. I added a filter to make it look a bit cinematic and gave it a cold tone. The producers would be seen on the top left corner when the 3rd girl is introduced in the opening sequence. Next what had to be inserted was the person who came up with the story line and i decided to add it on the over shoulder scene. The writer which was the person who wrote the script was shown as the two girls are being followed by the 3rd girl. Last but not least the director’s name is inserted 2 seconds before the video finishes. This is given the same font and style as the other ones. I’m almost done but this is what i was able to do today. Until next time.
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