Production Blog: Lights! Camera! Action!

Hello. Welcome back. So we planned to start filming on the 19th but we had to reschedule and film after school today. We went to the main’s house and waiting while the sun went down to begin filming. When the sun went down we went outside and noticed the change of weather. It was freezing so we had to make changes to the costumes. As we began to film, I was the one to be recording everything on my phone. It’d be more convenient as I’m going to be doing all the editing. We began to film the scene where an establishing shot of the house is seen.  I stood by the street recording, but realized that the quality wasn’t that great because it was dark out. I compared which video came out better with and without flash. The video with flash came out better, so I decided to have the flash on while recording each scene. After I filmed the establishing shot we went back into the house to film the bedroom scene. The bedroom scene took a couple of tries as we had to adjust and discuss how exactly we wanted the scene to look. Once we got that down we headed outside to film the walking scenes. A couple changes were made on the storyboard and script because they didn’t flow well during the whole process of filming scenes. I stood at the end of the street to film following the actors. This also took a bit of tries as people would walk by us while we tried filming.. That’s all I had time for today. Until next time. 


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