Title Research: Captain America: The Winter Solider
Website: Artofthetitle.com
What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
- Directors
- Screen player
- Producer
- Executive producers
- Co-producer
- Director of photography
- Product designer
- Editors
- Costume designers
- Visual effects supervisor
- Visual effects producer
- Music by
- Music supervisor
- Assoicate producers
- Casting by
- Cast
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
- Through the opening sequence we are shown a cartoon black and white showing of the main character Captain America, and scenes played throughout the movie but in simpler form. After watching the entire opening sequence, it is prominent that the images showcasing the cast's silhouette and names are the most prioritized.
How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
- As I watched the opening sequence, I felt a sense of suspense not knowing what was going to happen next. From the animated characters movements. To the unexpected tempo of the music. It all adds to the feeling of thrill the movie is going to produce.
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